About Elizabeth

Photo of Elizabeth leaning on a railing outdoors
Photo credit  Allyson Gillstrom

Thanks for stopping by! My name is Elizabeth, and I’m a book editor, writer, and former writing teacher from Minnesota. It’s sometimes too cold here and sometimes too hot, but I love my home all the same. When I’m not engaging with storytellers over on Substack or editing their books, you’ll find me learning languages, gaming with friends, drinking tea, or making tasty messes in the kitchen.

I love to see authors fill their writing with truth, whether that’s through self-honesty, insightful takes on the world around us, or stunningly realistic details. My goal as an editor and writer is to see that truth realized through the words of everyone I interact with as well as through my own.

Wondering about my taste in books? I read widely, so my bookshelves range from character-rich fantasy and science fiction novels to heart-touching memoirs and eclectic books in languages I have yet to learn. My own notebooks and hard drive are full of short stories and novel outlines that speak of longing, inner growth, and hope. Haruki Murakami’s character Junpei puts it best: “I want to write stories that are different from the ones I’ve written so far . . . . I want to write about people who dream and wait for the night to end, who long for the light so that they can hold the ones they love” (“Honey Pie”). Like Junpei, I read, write, and wait for morning.

How I got here

I’ve been editing books since 2012. I earned my B.A. in English Writing from a private college where I went through a rigorous writing and editing program and came away with internship experience in nonprofit writing and book editing. After graduating, I spent six years teaching high schoolers part time between a private school and a homeschool co-op while I grew my editing business. While I still tutor teens in writing occasionally, my focus is on helping book authors grow in their craft.

You can find out more about my editing services here. If you have any questions on anything, send me an email! I’m happy to answer your questions, and it would be my pleasure to work with you.